Private Investigations

Paranormal Investigations for Homes & Businesses in Weld County, Colorado

We know paranormal activity can be emotional, stressful, confusing, or even scary - we're here to help and take this seriously.

While often paranormal investigations are performed for entertainment, personal investigations typically are of a completely different nature. When you feel uncomfortable in your home, worry about your safety or that of your children, or your staff is turning over or scared to work the night shift, it's certainly not fun.

Our goal is to help you get the answers you're looking for - whether that's debunking an experience, helping you find proof for validation, or even helping you know how you can handle a unwanted or intrusive guests.

It's a personal experience for you, and we provide a personalized, private experience in return.

We partner with MeMe's Hauntings for private investigations.

Do you charge for private investigations?

Not at all. We offer this service free of charge. We do request that if you are able, to please donate in order to help support our ability to continue to provide this service for free for those who can't.

What can I expect during a private investigation?

When you reach out for a private investigation, we will: